[醫學筆記] Invasive aspergillosis 侵襲性麴菌感染

= Introduction =

圖片來源: http://www.pharmamicroresources.com/


顯微鏡底下的特色是會呈現acute angle,可能看到hyphae,而且會有vessel invasion的表現。

本篇會用到的簡寫開頭先嗆明(兇屁兇): invasive aspergillosis (IA), invasive fungal disease (IFD)。文章中有底線的是參考文獻的連結(證明我沒有唬爛XD),比較主要的幾篇我會列在最底部。


上面這兩張圖我覺得也相當清楚的描述了臨床上不同的Aspergillus infection spectrum。

目前因為鑑定技術的進步,Aspergilli大幅增加為兩百多種(眼神死),而其中最常見造成IA的是A. fumigatus, A. flavus, A. terrus以及A. niger.

= Diagnosis =

臨床上目前常用的診斷分類依據宿主因素、臨床證據以及黴菌學證據將IA分為Proven, Probable, 以及Possible三類

  • Proven :Host factor (immunocompromised or not) + clinical criteria + mycolgical  criteria (from sterile site)


話說假設今天從血液中培養出了mold,甘洗Aspergillus fungemia???


  • Probable : Host factor (immunocompromised) + clinical criteria + mycolgical  criteria (direct or indirect)

從非無菌的檢體中(如痰或支氣管鏡沖洗液)培養出aspergillus或是GM test/1,3-beta-D-glucan陽性反應。

  • Possible :  Host factor (immunocompromised) + clinical criteria





目前侵犯性黴菌診斷的定義缺陷(2008 EORTC-MSG criteria)

= Host/Risk factor =


  • 所以臨床上評估病人的時候要記得詢問有沒有從事園藝活動,住家或工作環境近期有沒有裝潢整修工程等等。


Risk stratification for invasive aspergillosis in immunocompromised patients.

除了血液科的病人外,近幾年流感後的IA也逐漸被大家重視(其實這件事古早的文獻裡就提到了),上面這個刊登在Lancet的回朔性研究發現influenza為IA顯著的risk facotr。此外大家也注意到post-flu的IA死亡率相當高,上面這篇統計的結果死亡率為51%。

= Clinical Criteria =


  • Dense, well-circumscribed lesions(s) with or without a halo sign Air-crescent sign Cavity
  • Air-crescent sign
  • Cavity

早期pulmonary IA多以nodular lesion為表現,大約經過2-3週後會漸漸變成air-crescent sign 或cavitary lesion(可參考下圖),所以影像學上的發現會隨著安排HRCT的時間點而有所不同。(真的看到air-crescent的機會其實不多)


這九張是來自四五篇以影像為主軸的文獻中附上的圖片,典型的病灶會出現在比較周邊處,而除了上述的halo sign、air-crescent sign或cavity外,pulmonary IA也可以用consolidation或tree-in-bud的形式表現(對沒錯根本北島麻雅看得懂的你跟我一樣有年紀了啊…)。

不過如果你看的CT夠多你就會發現,同樣的CT影像可以是bacterial,也可以是mycobacterial,還可以是fungal infection。

臨床上常被忽略但其實若能及早想到並診斷的另一個常見IA的感染部位是sinusitis(如上圖),這些病人臨床上有可能症狀不明顯,建議在有IA風險的病人至少要用sinus X-ray或Water’s view初步評估。


= Mycological Criteria =

direct test : from sputum, BAL, sinus aspirate

Indirect test

Indirect test中目前在台灣臨床上較廣泛被應用的是Galactomannan(GM) test,上面這篇刊登在CID的metanalysis整理了將近30篇的文獻綜合得出的pooled sensitivity為0.71而pooled specificity則為0.89。

Cutoff value of BAL?

Hematological patients : 目前尚未有一致的共識,有些專家認為和serum一樣抓在0.5,有些專家則認為要定在1.0。

一篇回朔性的研究中,cut off value定在1.0時estimated sensitivity為91.3%而specificity為 87.8%,ROC curve 為0.93; 定在0.5時,sensitivity上升為96.5%但specificity下降為80.4%,positive predictive下降到68%(如下表)。

Nonneutropenic patients: 另一篇回朔性的研究針對非血液科的病人分析,得出結論建議可以將cut-off value定在0.7。不過這篇目前尚未被列入美國或歐洲的指引中。


  • Cross-reactivity with other fungi (histoplasmosis, fusariosis, penicilliosis, and trichosporonosis)
    • 例如HIV的病人會透過驗Aspergillus Ag來幫助診斷penicillosis
  • Cross-reactivity with other antibiotics(amoxicillin, piperacillin/tazobactam過去曾被認為會影響但近來在更改藥物製程後已經不再被認為會產生偽陽性)
  • Laboratory contamination
  • Dietary reactivity
  • Plasmalyte
  • IVIg use? (敲碗學長paper)

喔喔剛好在一場黴菌的講座上看到上面這個優秀的整理表格(Ref. EBMT handook 2019)。

接受過mold-active antifungals的病人(例如prophylactic posaconazole),GM test的sensitivity則會大幅下降。https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15243943


= Treatment =



ESCMID 這個表格提醒Aspergillus terrus天生對amphotericin B具有抗藥性!


= drug-drug interaction =

voriconazole因為代謝途徑和和CYP 450有關,所以臨床上和其他藥物併用時要特別注意drug-drug interaction的問題,在血液科的病人尤其是移植後針對GVHD所使用的藥物會因為DDI的關係造成濃度上升,可以參考下面這兩張圖表

= Adverse effects =


此外特別需要注意的是QT prolongation。

其他較為少見的副作用包含長期使用可能造成skin cancer以及periostitis

= Therapeutic Drug Monitoring =

voriconazole在不同個體間濃度的差異變動很大(萬用解釋賴給體質),建議在達到steady state時(約5-7天)檢測TDM,一般建議的濃度在1~6之間(敝單位治療濃度抓在2~6),但臨床上還要視MIC、疾病影響程度、副作用、DDI等考量做調整(有夠複雜,嘆)。

= Prophylaxis =

Primary : 針對過去不曾有過IFD的病人且目前沒有active IFD的證據的病人,在接受1. high-intensity chemotherapy for newly diagnosed, or the first relapse of, AML or MDS. 或2. allo-HSCT後high-grade GvHD的病人族群,建議的首選預防藥物是posaconazole。

Secondary : 如果是過去曾經有過probable或proven IFD的病人,應該接受的則是”secondary prophylaxis”,建議使用的藥物是先前曾經接受過且有效的黴菌藥物。Voriconazole用在secondary prophylaxis可以參考這篇文獻


1. 只要心裡想著要預防的時候,就代表病人可能處於IFD感染的高風險,所以務必要釐清現在病人到底有沒有已經發生的IFD,因為這時病人需要的是治療性的藥物跟劑量,而不是預防性的藥物使用。

2. 即使已經在使用預防藥物的情況下,仍然有可能出現breakthrough IFD(可參考文末references),可能的原因相當複雜,大致可以分成三個面向來討論。

Host : Immunity breakdown, SNP, unidentified focus (CNS, IE, vascular involvement, catheter…), high fungal burden

Pathogen: Aspergillus, Mucormycosis (intrinsically resistant to azoles), Fusariosis, Candidiasis….

Drug: PK/PD, DDI, adherence(vori要空腹吃,posa suspension配脂肪…)


= References =

= Introduction/Guidelines =

Kousha M1, Tadi R, Soubani AO. Pulmonary aspergillosis: a clinical review. Eur Respir Rev. 2011;20:156-74.

Kosmidis C, Denning DW. The clinical spectrum of pulmonary aspergillosis. Thorax. 2015;70:270-7.

Patterson TF, Thompson GR 3rd, Denning DW, et al. Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Aspergillosis: 2016 Update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Clin Infect Dis. 2016 ;63:e1-e60.

Ullmann AJ, Aguado JM, Arikan-Akdagli S, et al. Diagnosis and management of Aspergillus diseases: executive summary of the 2017 ESCMID-ECMM-ERS guideline. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2018;24 Suppl 1:e1-e38.

Ben De Pauw, Thomas J. Walsh, J. Peter Donnelly, et al. Revised Definitions of Invasive Fungal Disease from the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Invasive Fungal Infections Cooperative Group and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Mycoses Study Group (EORTC/MSG) Consensus Group. Clin Infect Dis. 2008; 46: 1813–21.

= Host factor =

Herbrecht R, Bories P, Moulin JC, et al. Risk stratification for invasive aspergillosis in immunocompromised patients. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2012;1272:23-30.

Schauwvlieghe AFAD, Rijnders BJA, Philips N, et al. Invasive aspergillosis in patients admitted to the intensive care unit with severe influenza: a retrospective cohort study. Lancet Respir Med. 2018;6:782-92.

= Radiological =

Chabi ML, Goracci A, Roche N, et al. Pulmonary aspergillosis. Diagn Interv Imaging. 2015;96:435-42.

Prasad P, Maxwell S, Kristopher C, et al. The many faces of pulmonary aspergillosis: Imaging findings withpathologic correlation. Radiology of Infectious Diseases 2016; 3: 192-200.

Akhila Prasad et al. Pulmonary Aspergillosis: What CT can Offer Before it is too Late! J Clin Diagn Res. 2016; 10: TE01–TE05

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Sudheesh Raveendran, Zhiyan Lu. CT findings and differential diagnosis in adults with invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. Radiology of Infectious Diseases 2018; 5: 14-25.

= Mycological Criteria =

Maertens J, Maertens V, Theunissen K, et al. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid galactomannan for the diagnosis of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in patients with hematologic diseases. Clin Infect Dis. 2009;49:1688-93.

Pfeiffer CD, Fine JP, Safdar N. Diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis using a galactomannan assay: a meta-analysis. Clin Infect Dis. 2006;42:1417-27.

Zhuang Q, Ma H, Zhang Y, et al. Galactomannan in Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid for Diagnosis of Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis with Nonneutropenic Patients. Can Respir J. 2017;2017:3685261.

= Treatment/Prophylaxis =

Lat A, Thompson GR 3rd. Update on the optimal use of voriconazole for invasive fungal infections. Infect Drug Resist. 2011;4:43-53

Brüggemann RJ et al. Therapeutic drug monitoring of voriconazole. Ther Drug Monit. 2008;30:403-11.

Sun Bean Kim et al. Breakthrough invasive fungal diseases during voriconazole treatment for aspergillosis: A 5-year retrospective cohort study. Med Mycol. 2017; 55: 237–45.

Lerolle N et al. reakthrough invasive fungal disease in patients receiving posaconazole primary prophylaxis: a 4-year study. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2014;20:O952-9

Lee SH et al. Breakthrough invasive fungal infection under the use of posaconazole and voriconazole. J Formos Med Assoc. 2016;115:384-5.
